If you have ever renovated your kitchen, or have experienced moving into a home that has a newly renovated bathroom, you know what it’s like to want to protect a room.  As the busiest rooms of the house, both the kitchen and the bathroom are subjected to many different materials.  All types of liquids, soaps, products for pampering, sharp cutlery, and cooking equipment- there is a long list of items that can cause damage to the countertops in these areas.

Therefore, how do we keep them in good condition?  We could never say to simply not use them!  Instead, we can offer advice on how to add a layer of protection to give you peace of mind. The following is all you need to know about sealing granite countertops in your home.

What You’ll Need:

Rubber gloves

Soft Rags and a microfiber cloth

Spray bottle


Granite sealer (speak to a professional for recommendations)

Dish soap

Rubbing alcohol

Step One: Clean the Countertops

Clean the countertops thoroughly.  It’s best to do this the day before applying the sealant so that it has time to dry properly.

Step Two: Test the Sealant

Read all of the directions on the sealant properly.  Ensure that you have everything you need and that you’re taking all safety precautions.  Then, in an inconspicuous spot, test the sealant.  

Allow it to sit the recommended time, and check for discoloring.  If there is discoloration, stop the process and use a different sealant.  Only use a sealant that is compatible with your surface.

Step Three:  Apply The Sealant

Once you know that you’re using the proper sealant, apply it to the countertop.  This should be done in a circular motion, beginning from the top, and going from side to side until the bottom is reached.  

Step Four: Allow The Sealant To Dry

Check the instructions of the sealant used and take note of the time needed for drying.

Step Five: Remove Excess Sealant

Once dry, wipe away any excess sealant.  That’s it!

Five steps and you now have sealed granite countertops!  Of course, being mindful of taking care of them on a daily basis, is the next step.  However, the hard part is over! For now, at least.  It is recommended to reseal countertops every 1-5 years, depending on how porous they are.  If you begin to notice that spills seem to soak into the counter quickly, it’s a sign that they need to be sealed again.  

If you’d like more advice on how to give your luxury countertops the proper care, call Granite Prestige Montreal.  They are the granite marble and prestige quartz countertop experts of the city.  

Granite Prestige has experience handling all types of surfaces and is available to offer professional advice for any countertop concern.  From a titanium countertop to one made of prestige quartz, they’ll be able to guide you with their expert knowledge.  

They can be reached at (514) 331-8337 from Monday to Saturday, or emailed at info@graniteprestige.com.

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